Saint Petersburg
The Great Mission of Woman

We asked participants of the meeting
about women's qualities that they recommended
to have the men also?

Maria Bulyginskaya

"Mutual understanding, tolerance. And also the desire to improve this world. Now there are so many platitudes on TV and everywhere… I feel compassion for the children, for myself, for everyone. The woman feels it more".

Maria Bulyginskaya,Professor,
Doctor of Biology.

Nana Zarnadze

"Weight of the women on the Earth is now greater then men. I am sure if there are more women in administration then world would be changed. There would not be wars. For man I desire to have respect and honesty. Honesty is more important then loves. What is love of dishonest man needed for?"

Nana Zarnadze, director press center of Georgianorganization "IVERIA"

Bella Chistyakova

"Openness. Man often is closed in themselves in their problems.And also fearlessness is the women's quality. They can to face a problem".

Bella Chistyakova, psychologist
Shasadur Rahim

"The main thing is not to be selfish, to learn to love others. Let's save the environment of love in order everybody can live in happy and peaceful world".

Shasadur Rahim,lieutenant colonel of air forces, Bangladesh
Vera Sorina

"The women have such quality as flexibility, softness, nonviolence. Now these quality urgently needed! Women's qualities are: respect the rights of the others, the right of the one's own opinion, the right of choice".

Vera Sorina,President Saint-Petersburg association "Mamma"
Tatiana Shvez

"Yes, I am thinking that women can change the world. She has such quality as softness and fascination. I would like to wish for men to have woman's logic, woman's wisdom. The woman always gets at the root".

Tatiana Shvez, an engineer
Tatiana Byreva

"Of course, the woman cans renewal the world! The main thing is that the idea would be kind, warm and righteous. Then God will help, even if we have not a penny. The women surpassed the men in their ability to save, to guard and to donate. And I would like to wish the men: let they will not afraid to love, to donate and � simply to be happy!"

Tatiana Byreva,Head master of the German school Gete-Shule at Saint Petersburg
Mona, doctor

"The main qualities of the women are inner beauty and softness. She can do a lot with them. For instance in order to conquer fear you needs to be soft, but not hard!"

Mona, doctor (India)

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