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Seminar |
The seminar was organized with the purpose of discussing some possible ways of overcoming the ecological crisis. The main emphasis was made on the revival of the original values, the feeling of love and respect for nature and people, amalgamation of the efforts of science and spirituality for a better world. B.K. Sudha, Director, Brahma Kumaris, Moscow, welcoming the guests said that the purpose of this meeting of the intelligentsia was to define the problems existing in understanding the ecology of nature and the ecology of consciousness, and to find the key for solving them by using scientific and spiritual approach. The participants
of the seminar were suggested to divide into two groups - mainly representatives
of humanitarian and natural sciences; and the representatives of technical
sciences and organizations related to ecology.
Participants shared there opinions: Igor Yanitski, Director, Centre of Instrumental Observations of the Environment and Prognosis of Geographical Processes, author of scientific works "Physics and Religion", "The Living Earth", and "The Secrets of the Flood' studying the earth's crust and |
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bowels of the Earth,
came to the conclusion that our planet is a highly organized, extremely
saturated, energy and information entity to which the self-regulation processes
are relevant. In this connection Yanitski touched upon the question of the
interaction of man and the environment. Man must give the nature more than
he takes from it. Moral values are an alternative to Entropy. So developing
values is the main condition for preserving life on the Earth.
Rostislav Semigin, Deputy Director, Institute of "Giprotsvetmet", answering the question "is it possible to preserve the Earth's beauty?', said that the Nature's resources are being exhausted, and the mankind is facing the catastrophe. However, in spite of this people are still in pursuit of the material values. The desire to rule over the whole world is the main reason spending billions of dollars on arms and weapon. In order to avoid the catastrophe mankind must behave sensibly and change the polluted consciousness 'that we should have more and better than the neighbour'. Elena Beketova, Chief of Faculty of Psychology, Finance Academy the Government of Russia, touched upon the philosophical aspects of the problems, pointing out to the ecology of the consciousness being the paramount importance. Morality is, first of all the awareness of the value both of oneself and others. "It is necessary, she said, to include some spiritual elements into the education. Giving the results of her research on Psychological Portrait of a Student she said that if a person thinks wrongly, negatively then he is unsafe. The positive thoughts make us the donors." Dr. Vijay Kumar,
coordinator of the BKWSU centers in Russia and the Baltic countries, stressed
on the importance of understanding the difference between matter and consciousness.
It is the starting point of the cognition, he said. The consciousness
transformation and transition to the spiritual consciousness, allows person
to come to harmony from chaos. |
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Stanislav Glazachev, Director, Inter-college Center of Development of Technologies of Eco-pedagogical Education, Professor of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University, expressed a thought that to return the harmony was possible only by correction of culture. During the ages the mankind had been creating the culture of war, the main vector of which were disconnection, destruction and aggression. |
It has become clear now that further development of Man's civilization in this direction is impossible. The culture arising as an instrument of the adaptation between Man and Nature ceased to fulfill its self-adapting function. The Nature has exhausted its compensation facilities. It can't satisfy our endless whims: "farther and more". A question arises: how is it possible to correct our culture? Is it possible to do it at the expense of natural science or technology? Now people affirm that spiritual and moral correction of culture is needed. It is here that the search can be especially fruitful. |
Rimma Vedenejeva,
Academician, Russian Academy of the Medical Sciences, Professor, President
of the Women's Ecological Association, said: "I've taught more than 40
students with diploma works on ecology. We traveled all over the country
with expeditions on foot; we measured the oil floods, flew over the charred
ruins by helicopters and prepared an ecological atlas of the Baikal Lake.
We were everywhere "the more I see all these the more I come to a conclusion
that it is important to change the outlook and to have a needful teaching".
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Pavel Chebotarev, Mathematician, Professor, Institute of the Problems of Management of Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke of ego and altruism. Ego is when during our life we consume without thinking about the price. The problem of ego is actually the ecology of the consciousness. Using accurate mathematical models we convincingly managed to show that a group of working people consisting of egoists is lacking vitality. |
It is unable to develop adequate accommodation reactions, and thus it inevitably perishes. In any community of cultured people no one will assert their rights on any privilege. Instead, they will give to others the best place. So, today in the world there are two antipodes: ego and altruism. It's impossible to imagine what will happen to each of us, if the sprouts of altruism lessen. They should be cultivated and strengthened. Only on these principles it is possible to preserve and improve the ecological state of the planet and decide other global problems. |
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After exchanging the opinions held in the atmosphere of openness and inextinguishable interest the participants gathered for summing up the discussion and adopting the Appeal. During the meetings a mini concert prepared by the students of the university also took place. The songs, dances and video clip "Generous Tree" in the living and fascinating way showed different facets of the relationships between Man and Nature. To proceed the meeting Dr. Kumar invited the coordinators of the round tables to sum up the discussion. |
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Prof. Glazachev summing up the discussions, said: "every one here has stated that nature is no way guilty of the ecological crises. We should ask ourselves: "For whom do we protect nature? - For the man. From whom do we protect nature? From the man?" Today it is evident that the materialism and the rational understanding of the world do not allow us to realize, to explain, and to rightly build up our relations with the world. The materialism should be supplemented with the spiritual comprehension of the world. The participants of the "round tables" said that it high time to act. This world is in action and so our unity at such meetings as the present one and our search of the ways in finding the Truth is very important. Freedom and responsibility are the two main factors that harmonize the relations among people. Altruism sounded as a true revelation. The future belongs to those who are altruists. It is very important to offer ourselves, to waive our desires in the name of the common welfare. The wisdom cannot be compared with the collective spiritual intellect. So, the main thing in the total document is our common will. The fate of our planet depends on each of us. There is a very good proverb: "If you think of the future for a year, sow the grain, if you think of a decade, grow the forest, if you think of the eternity, educate the people". So, forming the consciousness, we think of the eternity. The Appeal of the participants of the seminar At present the ecological situation of the world, even at the most optimistic look, can be regarded as critical. It is evident that it is man's activities that affect the complex ecological systems and natural processes on which the life on the Earth depends. The timber extermination, poisoning of rivers and lakes, pollution of the atmosphere with the exhaust gases of automobiles and the smokes of the industrial enterprises, the burial of radio-active and poisoning matters inside the earth and oceans, lessening of the density of the ozone layer, technologic catastrophes, exhaustion of resources and many other hazards put the world on the brink of the catastrophe. At the same time our inner stage - thoughts, motives, feelings and emotions influence the world no less than our actions. Anger, aggressions, greed, inability and unwillingness to hear and to understand the point of view of others lead to conflicts, and at the international and interstate level - to bloodshed and wars. This all violates the ecological balance still more that is unsteady enough as it is. The results can turn the development of the Planet into an absolutely different direction. At this stage great importance is attached to a new way of thinking, imbibing purity and power of the intellect, the ability to take the optimal decisions in critical situations, new principles of morals, universal for all in spite of the differences in people inhabiting the planet. In fact, it is the peoples' activities without the initial or the core values that have become the main reason of the disastrous state of nature. We should revive the forgotten feeling of love and respect for Nature and the mankind. The environment pollution won't be eliminated until "the pollution" of peoples' consciousness is removed. We, the participants of the seminar "From the Ecology of Nature to the Ecology of Consciousness", appeal to all who are concerned about the fate of the planet calling every individual to make a personal contribution to save the environment. Let
us: We believe that the purity of our thoughts and actions leads to the purification of Nature and also influences social, political, moral and spiritual climate of the planet. Unity
of our thoughts and aims will transform the world! |
B.K. Sudha shared some noble thoughts. She said, now it is the time to elevate the human consciousness since thoughts are closely connected to matter. When we speak about the elevated consciousness, it means that we should turn our thoughts, wishes and feelings in a positive direction. In this transformation process the original state of the consciousness plays an important role. The law of entropy states that the original state cannot be | ![]() |
chaotic or disorder. It is the consciousness of purity, peace and love. Being aware of it and feeling that it is our own innate quality, and also starting to use them in action and in relationships, we shall reach the state of practical soul - consciousness. And such a practice will help us to come back to that initial state of the consciousness when purity, peace and love are naturally shown in our behavior, thoughts and wishes. She suggested practicing 16 principles of life so that a pure ecology of the consciousness is created. Some of them are
as follows: In conclusion the coordinators of the "round tables" together with the members of the university lit the candles around a cake baked in the form of a basket with fruits symbolizing the fruitful joint efforts. |
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